Oops. Forgot about that.

Been a bit busy lately! 2010 has been, um, interesting…to say the least. But fun! and Some cool shit has been happening. Here is a photo of me in my trademark purple, looking bemused at the fact that I haven’t updated my blog in nearly 6 months, which will shortly be followed by a string … Continue reading

Ethereal Shitstain of the Spotless Mind

Technology booms and blooms like an inflatable flower, but we’re still not at a stage where our brains can be as manageable as hard drives. Scientists have developed ‘beta-blockers’ which work by preventing your brain from ‘re-building’, thereby strengthening, bad memories every time you think them. Good shit for phobias and peeps with post-traumatic stress, … Continue reading

Laziest dogs in the world.

I have a few things to say. 1. Dog No.3 has the eyes of Mithlor the Ice Demon 2. Who’s been breeding dogs and giraffes? You’ll know what I mean. 3. That bulldog can be my friend, what with his unique impression of a sated fat man. 4. The last shot; pretty sure I saw … Continue reading

Dave & Brian aren’t that good. Sorry.

Pah. Originally I was going to post this because I thought a couple of randoms had put some respectable effort into a (not so) funny track, by making a decent video, and was going to gold star their homework. Then I did what I never do, research, and it turns out these cats fancy

Philip Bloom comes on a bit strong

So all the video nuts know Philip Bloom Video nut: “Yeah I know Philip Bloom” So I was pleased to see him following lowly ol’ me on Twitter. But then, in the dead of night, my Blackberry whispered in my ear…”Phil wants to tell you how to have better sex, and for longer” I can’t … Continue reading

X Factor is that embarrassing relative

Apart from the momentary identity loss involved with gazing at (not listening to, my god not listening to) the lovely Cheryl Cole, and the ego boost of watching genuine freaks put their all into an act involving nothing more than simply holding a banana, receiving 4 ‘No’s then unleashing a knife made from a plastic … Continue reading

“Worst yet Best” video award goes to…..

….this peice of shit. Seriously, I don’t like putting a downer on creative efforts, but this is truly shocking. Anyway, aside from my truly unnecessary hate for the editing skills (I’ve had a long day), after about a minute the action turns pretty extreme. And by ‘extreme’ I mean otherworldly. Honest to god I thought … Continue reading


There’s something rather magical about this; I’m not sure where it touched me, but touched I was. There pervades, as I’m sure you’ll agree, a rather disturbingly pleasant macabre nuance to the whole shiznit. Basically what I’m trying to say is, why don’t my drawings dance? Now where’d I put the yellow?

I don’t care if he’s Mohammed “I’m hard” Bruce Lee

I’m not saying you should wast 8 minutes of your life watching this (I did) but it is rather funny in places, and everyone loves a bit of unnecessary cockney swearing fuckin’ don’t they? Its basically Bricktop as Darth (Darf) Vader, and that’s about it.

Pop Up Pong

The only changes I would make would be to add guns, 3D, a plot involving kidnap, a treacherous rescue scene with Val Kilmer and to have the browsers alternate between different porn sites everytime you win a point as a reward, and everytime you lose as a consolation. Other than that this is perfect. Although … Continue reading