Art & Copy looks good

Very good indeed. From the Director, Doug Pray: “Advertising, in fact, may actually be an innately human act itself. But like all creative endeavors […] most of it is mediocre. Ultimately, I hope “ART & COPY” inspires artists and writers to strive to make more meaningful, more entertaining, or more socially uplifting ads.” Fuck yes. … Continue reading

OK Go – This Too Shall Pass

Another epic video by the emotionless bald dude with the mustache and the guys who follow him around in endless synchronicity. The review I saw said I would ‘gasp’ at the timing. I really didn’t because its off for a lot of it, but that really doesn’t draw anything away from this awe filled bucket … Continue reading

JR’s “Women” exhibition

Mate. This is a wicked video. Some real slick timelapses in there, and they just seem to get better as it goes on. Furthermore, the idea is pimp, the execution is admirable, and I want

Swansea Love Story

Genuinely uplifting; there’s nothing like moving images of Swansea to make you glad you don’t live in Swansea. Uplifting? I jest! Its fucking harrowing. Swansea is shit though. “Didn’t we Cornelius, we recently lost our baby?” “Sort me out with a glug of that” *points to cider*

Fred Viola spawns the cluster Puss

Boy did this cheer me up. A wee cluster vid of a track called ‘Puss’ from a portly little fella with a pleasant face dubbed Fred Viola (sorry if the title misled you). I actually watched a more recent vid of his (way more experimental; don’t watch after a strong tea because you will trip … Continue reading

Dave & Brian aren’t that good. Sorry.

Pah. Originally I was going to post this because I thought a couple of randoms had put some respectable effort into a (not so) funny track, by making a decent video, and was going to gold star their homework. Then I did what I never do, research, and it turns out these cats fancy

Philip Bloom comes on a bit strong

So all the video nuts know Philip Bloom Video nut: “Yeah I know Philip Bloom” So I was pleased to see him following lowly ol’ me on Twitter. But then, in the dead of night, my Blackberry whispered in my ear…”Phil wants to tell you how to have better sex, and for longer” I can’t … Continue reading

X Factor is that embarrassing relative

Apart from the momentary identity loss involved with gazing at (not listening to, my god not listening to) the lovely Cheryl Cole, and the ego boost of watching genuine freaks put their all into an act involving nothing more than simply holding a banana, receiving 4 ‘No’s then unleashing a knife made from a plastic … Continue reading

Canon Can, I won’t

So I’m essentially at the height of my 7D cravings. Imagine a small shepherd boy, bewildered and lonely in the fields of yore on a starry night, searching for a lost sheep, teary eyed but hopeful and warm of heart; only as a picturesque precursor to the agitated reality of me, one hand perpetually pressing … Continue reading

Red Bull relentless at sponsoring the hardcore

For starters, I’ve never heard the word ‘sonic’ used so many times, without also hearing the words “megadrive” and “I know the cheat to get all the levels”.